Welcome to ABGERO
American Board of Geropsychology
The American Board of Geropsychology condemns all forms of racism, bigotry, and discrimination and instead embraces, supports, and encourages inclusion and diversity (broadly defined) in all professional activities, including the board certification process.
Thank you for your interest in becoming credentialed as a specialist in geropsychology. The guiding principle for ABGERO certification is one’s ability to show competence in the foundational and functional competences in geropsychology.
Board Members
This area is password protected for Board Members only. Please contact us if you forgotten the password or need assistance.
Here’s how to begin the process of board certification in ABGERO:
Next Oral Examination Dates:
(Exact dates TBA)
(Exact dates TBA)
Oral examinations are currently being held via teleconference. Virtual exams are scheduled on a rolling basis (generally 2-6x year) as candidates reach the oral exam phase.
Recent News:
Check back often for the latest news and updates