ABGERO Scholarship Program
ABGERO is pleased to offer a scholarship program to assist psychologists who desire to be board certified in geropsychology. The scholarship program is open to all ABPP-eligible psychologists with strong backgrounds in geropsychology. Up to twelve scholarships will be awarded on a rolling basis each calendar year. Applicants belonging to one or more of the categories below are encouraged to apply:
Diversity Based: Available to those who self-identify as fitting into one or more of the commonly accepted diversity categories, such as race, age, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and religious affiliation.
Financial Support Based: Available to those who are experiencing financial barriers to applying.
Early-career based: Available to applicants who obtained their doctoral degree (PhD or PsyD) in the past 10 years.
Private/Small Group Practice Clinicians: Available to applicants who have a private practice or work for a small group practice.
Training Based: Available to directors of training, clinical supervisors, and other professionals involved in the training of future psychologists to apply, given their position to influence students in understanding the value of ABGERO.
What does the Scholarship cover?
The scholarship awards $500 in addition to covering the cost of all application and examination fees.
How to Apply:
To apply for the ABGERO scholarship please submit an application through the online submission form linkbelow. The application includes a brief form for describing applicants academic and work history. You are also asked to upload a brief essay (approximately 350 words) clearly addressing which scholarship category you are applying for, as well as your reasons for applying for the ABGERO scholarship.
For further information or to discuss your application please contact Dr. Dolores Gallagher-Thompson at dolorest@stanford.edu