Here’s how to begin the process
of board certification in ABGERO:
Go on the ABPP website, pay the application fee and complete the information regarding the generic credentials. The ABPP Central Office determines if one meets the generic criteria. A description of the generic credentials can be found on p. 8 of the ABGERO Procedures Manual. Click for the online application here:
For the geropsychology-specific part of the application process, please see ABGERO Procedures Manual, p.9. The ABGERO Credentials committee determines whether one meets the geropsychology-specific criteria.
If one meets the generic criteria and the geropsychology-specific criteria, the applicant becomes a candidate. The candidate must pay the Practice Sample fee on the ABPP website, and then submit a Professional Self-Study statement and two Work Examples. Please refer to the ABGERO Procedures Manual, p.16 for a description of the Professional Self-Study statement, and pp.16-19 for a description of the Work Examples. Here are PSS examples to review. Please also review ABGERO case examples.
Once the Practice Sample (Professional Self-Study statement & two Work Examples) is passed by the ABGERO Practice Sample sub-committee, the applicant is poised to sit for the ABGERO oral examination which typically takes place in conjunction with the ABPP annual conference & workshop, the annual meeting of APA, and/or the annual meeting of GSA. Please refer to the ABGERO Procedures Manual starting on p.18 for an in-depth discussion of the ABGERO oral examination.