Professional Self-Study Statement
Professional Activities:
After 16 years working as a clinical geropsychologist at the Brockton VA Medical Center of VA Boston Healthcare System, focusing primarily on clinical and supervision activities, I transitioned to a full-time administrative position in Mental Health Services at VA Central Office. In September, 2011, I was hired to serve as Program Coordinator for the Home Based Primary Care Mental Health Initiative. Approximately a year ago, my title changed to Psychogeriatrics Coordinator, to reflect the broader range of programs/activities I oversee. Until very recently, I worked for Dr. Brad Karlin in this position. I provide this information by way of background because, as I review my experiences and self-appraisal of my competencies in geropsychology assessment, intervention, and consultation, it is with the caveat that I have not provided direct clinical care for about 2.5 years. I do provide a fair amount of consultation, program management, and training in my current role (more later).
Professional Activities:
I am currently employed as a staff psychologist in an outpatient Geriatric Mental Health Clinic at the VA Boston Healthcare System. I also hold an appointment as an Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. I applied for this position when it became available during my fellowship year and I became a staff member in September 2012.