Training Materials

Readings in Gero Competencies

  • Hinrichsen, G. A. (2006). Why multicultural issues matter for practitioners working with older adults. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37(1), 29-35.
  • Karel, M. J., Holley, C., Whitbourne, S. K., Segal, D. L., Tazeau, Y., Emery, E., Molinari, V.,  Yang, J., & Zweig, R. (2012). Preliminary validation of a tool to assess knowledge and skills for professional geropsychology practice. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 43(2), 110-117.
  • Knight, B.G., Karel, M.J., Hinrichsen, G.A., Qualls, S.H., & Duffy, M. (2009). Pikes Peak Model for Training in Professional Geropsychology. American Psychologist, 64, 205-214.
  • Lichtenberg, P.A., Smith, M., Frazer, D., Molinari, V., Rosowsky, E., Crose, R., Stillwell, N., Kramer, N., Hartman-Stein, P., Qualls, S., Salamon, M., Duffy, M., Parr, J., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (1998). Standards for psychological services in long-term care facilities. The Gerontologist, 38(1), 122–127.
  • Molinari, V. (Ed.) (2011). Specialty competencies in geropsychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Molinari, V. (2012). Application of the competency model to geropsychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43(5), 403-409.
  • Nezu, Finch, & Simon (2009). Becoming board certified by the ABPP. New York: Oxford University Press.**
  • Qualls. S. H., Segal. D. L., Norman, S., Niederehe, G., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (2002). Psychologists in practice with older adults: Current patterns, sources of training, and need for continuing education. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33(5), 435-442.
  • Bush, S., Allen, R., & Molinari. V. (2017). Ethical practice in geropsychology. Washington DC: APA Press.

Basic Readings

  • The APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Older Adults, available at
  • Duffy, M. (Ed.) (1999). Handbook of Counseling & Psychotherapy with Older Adults. MA: Wiley.
  • Gallagher-Thompson, D., Steffen, A., & Thompson, L.W. (Eds.) (2008). Handbook of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies with Older Adults. NYC: Springer.
  • Gatz, M. (Ed.) (1995). Mental Health and Aging. APA: Washington DC.
  • Hyer & Intrieri (2006). Geropsychological Interventions in Long-term Care. NYC: Springer.
  • Knight, B. G. (2004). Psychotherapy with Older Adults (3rd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Lichtenberg, P.A. (Ed.). (2010). Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology (2nd Edition). Burlington, MA:  Elsevier, Inc.
  • Lichtenberg & Mast (Eds.) (forthcoming). The Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology. DC: APA Press
  • Scogin, F. & Shah, A. (2012). Making evidence-based Psychological Treatments Work for Older Adults.  Washington DC: APA
  • Segal, Qualls & Smyer (2nd Ed.) (2011). Aging & Mental Health. Malden, MA: Wiley/Blackwell
  • Yeo, G. & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (Eds.) (2006). Ethnicity and the Dementias (2nd ed).NY: Routledge.
  • Zarit, S. (2007). Aging and Mental Disorders: Psychological Approaches to Assessment and Treatment (2nd ed.). New York: The Free Press.