Board Meeting Minutes

ABGERO Meeting Minutes

4:00 EST

Attendees: Susan Whitbourne, Karen White, Toni Wroolie, Donaldson Weston, Dolores Gallagher Thompson, Andrew Heck, Erin Kube, Jennifer Birdsall, Rick Zweig, Victor Molinari, Michelle Mlinac

Absent: Cecilia Poon, Elizabeth Shumaker, Lindsey Jacobs Dodson
Peter Lichtenburg is no longer on the board

  1. Welcome (Whitbourne)
  2. Approval of 11/26/22 Minutes
    • No revisions, all in favor
    • Processes moving forward:
      • Karen will lead formal vote
  3. President announcements (Whitbourne)
      • Karen will obtain and update contact information and will place on Drop Box
      • Review of new agenda format
      • ABPP Presidential Call- summary and implications
        • Each board will now be limited to a max of $6,000 allocation, which must be applied for on the basis of need. Discussion of need was held
        • There is a listserv function that ABPP IT could provide (do we want to look into this?)
      • We are required to use the new bylaws template provided by ABPP (have we instituted this?)

Action: No concerns expressed or further discussion warranted

  1. Budget update (Shumaker)- Updated via e-mail prior to meeting: Good financial standing. Discussion of how to use funds e.g. scholarship, inclusion
  2. Specialty Update (Mlinac)
    • Time for renewing our specialty petition
    • needs volunteers for updating references

Action: volunteers Donaldson Weston, Jennifer Birdsall will help as well and involvement anticipated until  12/31/2023. Add as regular agenda item for ongoing updates

  1. BOT update (Whitbourne based on Szabo-Miller)
    • Finance (see above on $6,000)
    • Social media and communications- what is the objective ?
      Dolores webinar is scheduled- discussed some limitations with formal
    • Credentialing of masters programs and ABPP implications
      • If anyone is interested in getting on the council of accreditations to fill urgent spot need
      • Committee updates (assignments to be finalized)
    • Nominations (Heck)
      • Review of board composition- new addition Erin Kube (taking over Toni’s role as Toni transitions into president elect) and Cecilia Poon (took Becky’s position)
      • Peter is not going to renew his membership on the board and turning over practice sample review (will be Lindsey- sue to clarify) to someone else and need to fill his board member position- Andrew has person in mind and will hopefully have
    • Outreach ( Birdsall)- now have listserve and have gaggle- unofficial/official listserve to communicate with the board
    • Social Media (Birdsall) discussed other social media ideas e.g. post once a week an articles
    • Scholarships (TBD)- Historically had been Molinari, Heck, Gallagher-Thompson, and Jacobs-Dodson though may benefit from transitioning into a formal committee
    • ECP (Jacobs-Dodson)
    • Exams (Mlinac)
    • Inclusion (Gallagher-Thompson)- Wroolie steps down
    • Appeals (TBD)
  2. New initiatives for 2023 (Wroolie, all)

Meeting Adjourned: 5:00pm EST

Next Meeting: 03/27/2023 4pm EST