Board Meeting Minutes
ABGERO minutes (6/18/15)10-11EST
Board members present: Victor Molinari, Greg Hinrichsen, Larry Thompson, Peter Lichtenberg, Richard Zweig, Sue Whitbourne, Shane Bush
Missing: June Blum; Amy Rosett; Dolores Gallagher-Thompson; Rebecca Allen; Andrew Heck
Agenda items:
1) ABGERO update: At the recent ABGERO oral examinations, we successfully examined 5 candidates, and had one observer who now qualifies as an examiner (Michelle Mlinac). Amy Rosett had some great suggestions regarding publicizing ABGERO specialists in the various geropsychology newsletters and via GeroCentral. Victor noted that ABPP encourages specialties to send Central Office information regarding newly boarded members so that they can put it on their website, Facebook page and/or Twitter account. Action Item: Victor will contact Janet Yang regarding putting the names of ABGERO specialists in the CoPGTP newsletter, and will contact Nancy McDonald at ABPP CO to find out how to get our new members more publicity.
2) Report on the ABPP BOT meeting which followed the exams: A variety of important matters were discussed at the ABPP BOT meeting in San Diego following the workshop series. Victor represented ABGERO as a trustee and noted that the Workshop series was a success with over 190 attendees (next meeting is in Chicago where there is expected to be just as large an audience). ABPP is improving their technology so that the review and examination process materials and results will flow more seamlessly online for specialties. They are using Sharepoint to assist with this, and with a little bit of training it is an easy system to use. There is an ongoing debate with little resolution in sight regarding whether criminal convictions should deny ABPP candidacy even in the absence of those convicted keeping their licenses (Board seems in favor) or even rescind the ABPP credential (Board seems opposed because of the cost of investigating & litigation). There is a push by ABPP to approve sub-specialties rather than specialties. Sleep was not approved as a full-fledged specialty and was encouraged to be put under Health as a sub-specialty; a special interest group was formed to initiate action for addictions to be put under CBT as a sub-specialty (this process is in the very early stages). No Action needed.
3) VA ABGERO consultants/mentors: Victor reported that Michele Karel and Michele Mlinac have initiated an ABGERO mentorship program within the VA system. They are to be commended for doing so, and it seems this may help assure a regular ABGERO candidacy pipeline. For her work on the mentorship committee and becoming an examiner, a motion was made by Victor regarding enlisting her as an ABGERO board member. This was unanimously approved. Larry brought up the issue regarding whether all VAs provide step-wise increases for those with the ABPP, but no one knew the answer. Action Item: Victor will contact Michelle Mlinac to see if she is interested in becoming an ABGERO board member, and whether she could clarify the policy regarding ABPPs receiving step-wise increases.
4) Next exams at APA in Toronto: Only one candidate so far for Wednesday Aug 5 from 11-2. Rick, Sue, and Greg will be attending APA but are arriving on Thursday. Peter is presenting on Wednesday. They have already made their reservations and will not be able to serve as examiners. Action Item: Victor will see if other Board members not on the conference call can come to Toronto and examine on Wednesday. He will also check with ABPP CO to see if we could change the examination date to Thursday August 6.
5) ABGERO Bylaws update: Victor made a motion to approve the Bylaws with the minor modifications that were attached to a recent email. The Bylaws were approved unanimously.
6) Procedural manual update: Andrew and Victor are putting the ‘finishing touches’ on the Procedural manual. Andrew did a great job of integrating the disparate material into one coherent document. Once Victor and Andrew review the next version, the Procedural manual will be attached to a document and Board members will be asked to vote their approval.
7) Nominations for Secretary, Treasurer: Shane has volunteered for Secretary; Sue for Treasurer;
8) Committee Assignments: (e.g., Credentials committee; Practice Sample committee; Examination committee; MOC committee). Credentials committee – review gero-specific basic credentials (Victor & Shane & June?); Practice Sample Committee – review PSS & 2 Work Examples (Dolores, Peter) ; Examination committee – coordinate the oral exams regarding examiners, location, times (Andrew); Maintenance of Certification (Rick & Greg). Victor & Peter will also coordinate the ABGERO mentorship program. Action Item: Victor will ask other Board members not on the conference call to volunteer for Executive Council or committee assignments.